Среда, Март 19, 2014
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Open cloze #1

Сегодня мы рассмотрим новый для нас вид упражнений. Проще задания придумать нельзя. В представленном тексте необходимо вставить в пропуски одно слово. На первый взгляд задание может показаться невыполнимым — ведь часто бывает, что слов, которые могли бы подойти, существует несколько. Однако, эти слова как правило очень простые, то есть например, артикли, местоимения, частички во фразовых глаголах и т.п. В ответах иногда бывает 2-3 возможных значения, но не более. Ответы даны сразу за текстом.

Hawaii, the fiftieth American state, is, in many ways, the most unusual one. It is the only state (1) _____ consists entirely (2) _____ islands, (3) _____ made up of eight main ones, together with over a hundred smaller ones. These islands are (4) _____ tops of ancient volcanoes.

Hawaii is famous (5) _____ over the world for its stable climate. The temperature never changes (6) _____ much and ocean currents keep it cool, even (7) _____ the area lies within the tropics. The western sides of the islands are dry, while further to the north, (8) _____ the land is more mountanous, there is a high level of rainfall, in some places higher than (9) _____ else in the world.

The stable climate and the fertile soil are the reasons (10) _____ agriculture being an important source of income. Pineapples and sugar (11) _____ grown all year round. Tourism is also important, although it is banned on (12) _____ few of the islands.

Hawaii is covered with flowers the (13) _____ year round. There are more than 1700 species of flowering plants and trees and many of them (14) _____ been imported from around the world. You will never forget a visit (15) _____ this island paradise in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

Упражнение взято из: "Skills for First Certificate: Use of English".

  1. which/that
  2. of
  3. being
  4. the
  5. all
  6. very/that
  7. though
  8. where
  9. anywhere
  10. for
  11. are
  12. a
  13. whole
  14. have
  15. to